How do I use Silo?
When you open Silo, you'll be prompted to sign in with YouTube - once you do, your subscriptions and videos will be imported and you can begin watching videos.
Why is Silo missing so many features?
Silo is a simple app that focuses on privacy and simplicity. It is designed with digital minimalism and reduction of screen time in mind. We intentionally exclude features that are not core to the YouTube experience in order to put you in control of your own time and attention in a world where both of these things are heavily commodified.
Can you see what videos I watch?
No. All interactions happen between your device and YouTube directly. Silo has no servers that act as a middleman and thus we have zero acccess to what you watch, who you're subscribed to, etc.
Where are my YouTube Shorts?
We believe short-form content to be particularly harmful to your mental health and productivity. Silo intentionally excludes Shorts and other short-form content to help maintain control of your attention.
Will you be adding comments?
We're waiting to implement the comment section in the application until we have a good grasp of our user-base. Once we do, we'll inquire with users to see what you want. Comments can be useful, but can also be distracting and we want to make sure that the experience is as positive as possible.
Contact Us
Responses usually take 1-2 business days, but can take up to 5 business days.